Concept drawing

Week 11 – 12/3/18

Last week we were given an assignment to make 3 photo essays on the words that we had selected. Here are the photo essays that I made…


  • Photography

Photography is the art of capturing the view. I chose this word because I find photography very fascinating and I love learning the different ways of photography. I like doing nature photography (Landscape, skies, plants, animals).


  • Spray painting – street art – graffiti

Just like how we paint on paper, spray painting is usually done walls using spray paints. The technique and the style used in spray painting is very attractive.  It not only makes the wall beautiful but also leaves a very important message for all those people who look at it every day.


  • Linocut

Jai sir 1st introduced to us about linocut. We had also tried the ukiyo-e technique in class. Linocut is a print making technique, where a wooden block is carved according to the print (mirror image) and once the engraving is done, ink is rolled on the block and the a sheet is placed on it. Pressure is applied on the sheet so that it absorbs the ink and gets the impression.  As I was learning this technique, I found it very interesting. We did the activity using sun board but I would like to work on wood too. Lino-cut is used in printing, posters, story books, etc.

For today’s class we had to select one word out of the 3 words and then make 10 concepts for it. I chose linocut as I found it very fascinating and I wanted to try it out. I did a bit of research on linocut and found where it is used. I finally decided to use Lino print in making new logos for BNHS (Bombay natural history society). I drew some logos in class and ma’am gave me corrections.

Bibliography (photo references):



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