Reading about our specifications

Week 12 – 19/3/18


  • Photography

Photography is the art of capturing the view. A photograph allows to collect memories that can be remembered lifelong. Capturing moments of all the events that happen life from birthdays to marriages, everything. It enables to relive that moment and when all these pictures are put together, it can actually narrate lives. One photograph can have a multiple meaning depending on the person’s perspective. Photography is a powerful language which speaks to one’s emotions.

Landscape photography means to be involved with nature and the elements and an escape from the artificial world.  It typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features or disturbances of landscapes.

Color theory also plays a very important role in photography. Color theory is the technique of combing specific colors in a way that they are harmonious, or in other words, just look great together.

By following the rules of photography one can click amazing pictures: rule of third, balancing elements, leading lines, symmetry and pattern, viewpoint, background, depth, framing, cropping and experimentation.


  • Street art – graffiti-

Just like how we paint on paper, graffiti is done walls using spray paints. The technique and the style used in graffiti is different as it is done on walls. It not only makes the wall beautiful but also leaves a very important message for all those people who look at it every day. Graffiti is often also done to convey some message to the people, it also acts like a media for mass communication. Some say graffiti is art where as some say graffiti is vandalism. How and when can you say if it is actually art or just vandalism? Should graffiti be legally allowed or should it be banned?


  • Linocut-

Linocut is a printmaking technique. It’s an alternative of woodcut where a sheet of linoleum (sometimes mounted on a wood block) is used as the base surface. Materials required to do linocut are: linoleum (or an alternative base), carving tools (v-shaped chisel, sharp knife, and gouge), printing inking, paper or fabric (on which it would be printed), roller (or brayer), burnishing tool. A design is drawn (mirror image) on the linoleum surface and then cut with a sharp knife, v-shaped chisel or gouge. Once the cutting is done, the linoleum sheet is inked with a roller (called a brayer) and then imprinted onto the required fabric or paper. It is a very easy and an amazing way of printing as it’s so inexpensive and it can be done at home or in studio.


In class today, we were given a list of readings for every specification. We had to select one which we’d like to read and then write notes on it. This will help us understand our course better.

Photo references:






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